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Alphabet Fun 4.6
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Alphabet Fun 2 now available as a separate app!
• As seen in the Apple iPad TV commercial.
• Featured in Apple's New & Noteworthy and What's Hot.
• Used in professional educational systems worldwide.
• Learn in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish!
• Wireless TV-out through AirPlay for iPad 2 +.
Alphabet Fun is like having preschool right on your iPad!
Filled with over 70 full-color images and large, easy-to-read text, Alphabet Fun provides an excellent learning platform for preschoolers.
Simply scroll through the letters, colors, and numbers with the swipe of a finger. Explore how each character is written by tracing over it. Even practice writing entire words with ease.
Each concept is accompanied by clear audio pronunciations.
If you have a child learning to familiarize, write, or say their ABC's, Numbers, and Colors, this is the perfect tool.
Find out why teachers and parents are raving about Alphabet Fun!
*Alphabet Fun is available with a 50% discount under Apple's volume purchase program.
*Alphabet Fun Requires iOS 7