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Appea 2012 Conference And Exhibition 1.1
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The APPEA Conference, year after year continues to deliver a top quality event that educates, provokes debates and witnesses the meeting of the key players in the oil and gas industry by providing a forum in which to share knowledge, innovative ideas on best practice, case studies, experiences and new technologies.
In 2012, the trend continues as APPEA 2012 has attracted some of the world's most renowned and respected international and Australian speakers to lead the 52nd APPEA Conference program, addressing the theme "The Energy Revolution."
Those attending the exhibition are given the opportunity no other oil and gas assembly can offer in Australia, where leading companies showcase their latest technology, products and services for the Australian energy industry. As one of the largest energy events in Australasia, APPEA is expecting over 2,700 industry experts from more than 30 countries to gather in Adelaide next May.
APPEA 2012 Conference and Exhibition is about so much more than presentations and seminars, it represents your prime opportunity to meet, greet and networking with all the Australian and overseas oil & gas industry in a relaxed yet business minded environment.