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Icc Market 4.2
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The ICC Market App (ver. 4.1) for the iPad provides users with the ability to browse available International Code Council (ICC) code and reference book titles, purchase them within the app, and read and use them immediately. Users may view their PDFs or eBooks in full-screen in either portrait or landscape mode. Swipe function enabled to easily flip back-and-forth through the documents; additional navigation controls are available by a simple tap of the screen. This app provides the flexibility to access codes and reference documents in a format that provides one of the best mobile reading and browsing experience on the market today.
Current titles available include the entire collection of 2006 through 2012 International Codes, 2006 through 2012 I-Code and Commentaries, numerous state specific codes, ICC Standards and Guidelines, and many 2009 and 2012 I-Code study tools and other useful reference books. More titles will be available soon! Nothing is better than when you have the codes and references you use every day right at your fingertips. Get started today with the ICC Market App from the International Code Council - a professional membership association dedicated to helping people build a safer world.