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Imadinaharabic For Iphone
Screen Shots:
"iMadinahArabic for iPhone" app is the iPhone version of the lessons located at MadinahArabic website. It includes free comprehensive Arabic courses to help students from different levels to learn Arabic. The lessons include images, audios (tap on bold Arabic text to hear its sound) and excercises to give a convenient experience to the student. The app is divided on several sections, you can find more information about these below:
- Home:
A list of different app sections.
- Reading Course:
A list of Arabic Reading Lessons (currently only one).
- Language Course:
A list of Arabic Language Lessons.
- Download Updates:
Check for and download lesson updates from here. Tap Check Now to check for lesson updates. Select lessons you want to download from the list, or tap Check All to select all lessons, then Tap 'Download' button at the top right to begin downloading.
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- Favorites:
Here you can quickly access lesson parts you have favorited earlier. To favorite a lesson part, while in the part page, just tap on the button at the top of the screen which has the part's number and a star. A favorited part have a yellow colored star. To remove a favorited part, tap 'Edit' then tap the part you want to remove. To cancel, tap 'Done'. You can also un-favorite a part by re-tapping on the part button again.
- Lesson Parts:
While on a lesson part page, you can quickly jump to a specific part by tapping the "Parts" semi transparent button located at the top left of the page.
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©Madinah Arabic (UK) Ltd – Company registered in the United Kingdom