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Kids Do Words 1.0
Screen Shots:
“Kids Do Words” is an application designed to help children recognize three-letter words through three levels of play.
Let's learn the basics of word recognition, one at a time. We can explore, associate the images with the words, and learn to recognize the look and sound of the words, as well as learn how to spell the words. Tap on the word-image to advance to the next word.
Let's practice with the words and see if we can match the word-image on the top with one from the bottom. Tap one of the bottom word-images to choose. With each choice, we will be congratulated or encouraged to continue, and will hear the word pronounced and spelled.
Let's play a game and see if we can recognize the word without the image. We will try to match the word at the top with its image at the bottom. If we have learned the word and tapped the correct image on the first attempt, we will be congratulated, and will hear the word pronounced and spelled. We will also see a "star" appear at the bottom of the page on the navigation bar. This star indicates that the learned word has been added to "My Words" box. A tally of all learned words will also be displayed on the navigation bar. If we don't get it right, don't worry, we can try again.
"My Words":
This area will display all our 'learned' word-images from the test level. We can move words around and make up stories using any number of the word-images. My Words can be found at the top left hand corner of the main menu. Tap and drag to move words around. Two-finger tap and drag to scroll the screen up and down when the words fill the page.
Tap on the question mark on the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen for tips on how to use this application.