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Little Men In The Wood Bedtime Fairy Taleinteractive Ibigtoy 17.0
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The best reading experience - Children's classic story "The Three Little Men in the Wood" now available on your iPad.
This is totally new reading experience: illustrated audio books with interactive animation on each page.
Classic story in new multimedia form: The two little girl get three dwarfs different blessings, and the two little girl have a different life. incredible digitally-redesigned pages with every detail inside.
This interactive audio book features:
►Stunning animation effect on each page.The bread in stepmother’s hand, the flower of the grass and stepmother and etc. special effects. Make the person at the scene.
► Revolutionary redesigned interactive animations. Example: Click stepmother’s with your finger, the stepmother will give her bread to the little girl; Drag the flower gently, the flower will move with the finger’s movement.You can interact almost everything on the screen.
► Professional audio narration.
► Each page has special effects sound
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