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Math Adventure Free 1.4
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"Math Adventure" is the best tool for your kids about mathematic. It teaches kids from counting to 100, time table, "+", "-", "*" and "/".
Math is all around us. Every day as children play they are using mathematics without even realizing it. They like to count their toys, their fingers, or their bottles. These activities build your children's growing understanding of mathematics.
"Math Adventure" was designed with several goals in mind. First is to help your children enjoy and love mathematics. Second is to improve your children thinking.
There is growing evidence from research that preschool children can solve simple problems and love to do so.
Our simple and intuitive games designed special for kids, which allows children to play without help from adult.
1. Counting: from 1 to 20 and 1 to 100.
2. +, -, * and / with picture animation.
3. Complete time table from 1*1 to 12*12.
4. Support sound for + , - and counting.
5. Fun games to make the learning more interesting.
6. Support up to 3 players account. You can take picture for each account.
7. Save all score history for different children account.
8. Provide background music and sound effect to take away the boring from learning.
Smartkids Media @ 2013