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Math Mole 1.0.1
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An educational game to help improve mental arithmetic the fun way!
Look out! Moles have invaded Tuba’s garden and they need to be chased away as quickly as possible!
There’s only one way to get rid of them... find and whack the mole who is wearing the right answer to the math question written on Tuba's blackboard.
Educational application designed by elementary school teachers. Suitable for children aged 3 and up, and for parents too (that’s right - you'll see it's not as easy as it looks!)
3 difficulty levels + a customizable level:
- Easy, from ages 3 to 5, with number recognition.
- Medium, for ages 6 to 8, with additions, subtractions using numbers lower than 10, multiplication tables for 0, 2, 5 and 10, and division by 2.
- Difficult, for ages 9 and up, with additions, subtractions, multiplication and division.
- Customizable level: Choose exactly which type of math questions you would like in your game. (Ideal for flexible revision of your children's lessons )
3 modes:
- Timed mode: You have 1 minute to answer as many questions as possible
- 20 question mode: The game lasts as long as it takes to answer 20 questions
- Zero mistake mode: No mistakes allowed! You can continue as long as you answer each question correctly.