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Memory Letters And Numbers Mix 1.0.1
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★This game is the next release dedicated for Letters and Numbers learning and based on previous Memory game that has been awarded the Editor's Choice Award of Children's Technology Review 2011. ★
The game of Memory Letters and Numbers is a great educational tool for your young child. It is centered around matching cards with numbers and letters, and encourages and helps them with memory and with visual judgment.
Memory’s features include 3 progressively difficult boards to challenge young and old alike. The game boards start out simple, with cards in a 4x2 grid (4 pairs of 2 cards), a 6x4 board (12 pairs of 2 cards), and an 8x5 board (20 pairs of cards).
● All of Memory’s games have a high level of re-playability. Every time you open a game it will be different from the last time you played it. This will make your child will think about the game
● The games let your child match brightly colored cards and hear the right pronunciation for card in different language
● You can choose the language which the game uses by selecting the narration language which is embedded in the game .Your child can learn numbers and letters in different languages – English, Spanish, French, Russian and Ukrainian. Initially game will load in the default iPad language and after that you can change the language settings in the game
● You can regulate the volume of the music or sound in the game, or turn it off
● All of the designs are very cute and sophisticated, done as always by BrightColors
About Memory's Numbers and Letters developers
Memory is the sevenths release of a children’s game series designed by Visualizers ( and programmed by PopAppFactory ( ). We create visually stunning and popular iPad/iPhone/Touch applications for ourselves and for our clients.