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Middle School Science 8th Grade 2.07
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Here's a fun way to practice your middle school science skills and get ready for the 8th grade standardized science test.
Fly the monkey through space and avoid the asteroids. Answer questions correctly to keep going.
The free version includes quizzes on these topics:
* Matter
* Geology
* Astronomy
* Weather
A pack of additional quizzes can be purchased on these topics:
* Chemistry
* Physics
* Biology
* Experimental Method
* Periodic Table
* Energy
This is a great way to review for standardized tests for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students in middle school and junior high. For 5th graders, it's your chance to get a head start.
* Practice using three levels of words for each quiz
* Replay levels to improve your scores and speed
* Compete with friends with leader boards and achievements
* Aligned to Common Core State Standards
* Review using built-in help
* Email your progress to your teacher
Attention Teachers: Contact us to find out about free reporting tools on our web site for showing the progress of your entire class.
Questions, Problems, or Suggestions: Please send an email to