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Odd 1 Out 1.1
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Odd 1 Out is Punflay’s latest educational iPad app for children. If you are looking for an app that will develop your kindergartener’s critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making skills, Odd 1 Out is a great one.
As you launch the app, you can choose to play either in the Practice or Challenge mode. Kids will find the Practice mode helpful before moving on to more challenging activities.
Choose to play with Fruits, Shapes, or Colors. Depending on this selection, the game displays a group of fruits, shapes, or colors. The child has to choose the correct object depending on the question.
Odd 1 Out is an excellent way to introduce your child to decision making skills. The activities are interesting and will keep your youngster busy for hours. The app helps sharpen critical thinking and decision making skills by:
•Increasing the speed of decision-making
•Changing what the decision is about (colors/fruits/shapes)
•Changing the complexity of the decision
Whether it is identifying colors with beetles or fruits with bees or shapes with ants, Odd 1 Out provides hours of fun and practice for your kindergartener.
Key features
•Kid-pleasing graphics with bold colors
•Interesting and simple activities
•Increasing speed of decision-making
•Simple visual and audio explanations
•Promotes independent play
•Choice of practice and challenge playing modes