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Plic Ploc Wiz 2.3
Screen Shots:
All ages from 3
Have fun with Plic, Ploc, Wiz and create your own funny illustrations.
Plic, Ploc, Wiz contains 10 original illustrations of cities, gardens, animals, alphabet letters…each with a different set of shapes. With each set, you can compose your own cities, surprising portraits or magical animals…
Place the different shapes on the illustration as if playing with stickers and let your imagination guide you : move the shapes, multiply them as much as you wish, or erase them by dragging them into the bin;change their colors and create your own funny illustrations.
Your personal compositions will automatically be saved in the gallery.
You will be able to share your gallery art-pieces on facebook, or copy them and send them by email. Your family and friends will enjoy saving your compositions on their computers and in their own Plic, Ploc, Wiz gallery!
Plic, Ploc, Wiz is great fun and extremely creative!
Simple and intuitive, this application offers the whole family a calm and relaxing moment with a beautiful illustration at the end to be proud of.
You can buy Plic, Ploc, Wiz in-app. Download the starter screen for free and if you like it, you can easily buy the rest of the application!
Plic, Ploc, Wiz compositions are for private use only.