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Stories Of Acceptance 3 In 1 1.0.0629
Screen Shots:
Be Yourself 3 in 1 (Deluxe Version)
★The 3 New Original Stories in 1!
★Building Moral Character in Your Children!
★A Best Gift for Kids!
☉The professional voice actors use unique character voices and expression in their narration, which is sure to attract children and lead them into the wonderful English-story environment.
☉Through reading these stories, children are able to learn about great qualities as they relate to life strengthening.
☆With two modes of display: 1. Page flip- Manual, Reading sound- Auto; 2. Page flip & Reading sound- Manual.
☆Add the flash videos including Chinese and English subtitle.
☆Add a translation in every single page and a translation of whole story in the end.
☆The Bedtime Story Function: Parents can play only audios of the stories during kids’ sleep time.
★Introduction of MY SPECIAL FRIEND:
Mandy knows a special girl named Sophie. Her mother says that Sophie has a condition called Downs Syndrome. At first, Mandy does not accept Sophie but in the end they become very special friends.
*Moral Character: Recognizing exceptional children / Life Value Strengthening: Caring, Acceptance, Dignity
★Introduction of WHY NOT ME?:
The pencil is always jealous when the teacher writes with the pen, so one day the pencil hides the pen’s cap. Now the teacher starts to write with the pencil every day and it becomes smaller and smaller…
*Moral Character: No good can come from jealousy / Life Value Strengthening: Acceptance, Self-belief, Caring
★Introduction of FISH FOR LITTLE DMMA:
Little Emma is a cat who doesn’t like to eat fish. What happens to her that makes her brother Luke and cousin Molly worry? And what does Molly think of to help Emma like to eat fish?
*Moral Character: Don’t be picky / Life Value Strengthening: Caring, Bravery, Acceptance
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