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Emulator Ps1 1.7
Screen Shots:
The terms are as follows
-only works on the premises s60v3 series hp 9.2, but it never hurts when a friend tried it with 9.1 or 9.3
-Minimum RAM required is 30MB
-Minimal CPU processor is above 220Mhz (220Mhz can not)
If the conditions are fulfilled friend, I assure you friends can play games psx HQ.
The trick is:
step 1
Download eq pcsx, bios version 1.60 and pips below
step 2
Install eq and eq pcsx pcsx arm.lalu open keduanya.jika the words "NO DATA" and there is option on the left softkey then certainly succeeded.
step 3
Open X-plore see and make sure the form of a folder with three subfolders
E / data / PCSX / bios
E / data / PCSX / games
E / data / PCSX / Memcards
If not there, create your own
step 4
Copy the bios on the file downloaded earlier to a friend E / data / PCSX / bios
step 5
Download the game I give a bonus 2 game to friends
Twisted Metal 2
jet ace
The game moved into the E / data / PCSX / games
step 6
Exit from x-plore and go to EQ_PCSX not EQPCSX.maka gamenya.pilih run there will be a list on the left or right softkey press center.
And congratulations,!
Comrade has successfully played a game HQ psx.agar more optimal and stable, play with the orientation to be landscape rotateME
download rotateME
Pros + +.
HQ psx-game hp symbian s60v3
-not too eat batteries (more extravagant play n-gage 2.0)
-small and simple application function tp baguz
-no sound
-not all games can be played
-game format should * bin
overall this application is very good and is packed with the biggest sederhana.kekurangan ketiadaanya voice that just makes the game becomes fun.