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Gnuboy Gameboy Color Emulator For S60 V5 0.1
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GNUBOY GameBoy Color Emulator For Symbian S60 V5
---------------Needs QT & QT Mobility--------------
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[[[[[[[[ The gnuboy is a gameboy / gameboy color emulator, and now it’s ported for S60 5th edition. This was mainly made for the people who asked for gb / gbc support for gpsp. It was much easier to make by compiling a new emulator for S60 ;-)
There’s no support for SE / Samsung. However it could be added by implementing the DSA changes described in my blog post.
I have to admit that this is still quite unfinished. I pretty much ran out of time. The N8 is coming and I want to start optimizing all my emulators for Symbian^3. Finally getting to use the new graphics architecture, real MultiTouch etc. I’m sure you all know what I mean ;-)
Know Issues
No audio
The’re a bug with .gbc extension. Rename your .gbc file into .gb, and you’ll ab able to play gbc games also
SE and Samsung phones are not supported, sorry
The D-PAD is not fully working. You need to press some other spots before you’re able to press the same button again. I’ll fix this in the next update.
it’s quite unfinished, waiting for my N8
Adapted From Summeli Website..... Orginal Words Of The GnuBoy Programmer