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New Macrofire V3.2.0 3.2.0
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Homebrew coder pen has released a new version of MacroFire, a handy homebrew plugin that allows you to reassign the button layout of your PSP, adjust the analog stick's sensitivity and enable the rapidfire mode according to your desired taste. Notable features of the latest update includes more fixes, code cleanups and other performance improvements.
* The new hooks to the body of the HOME allocation and macro-re-registered with the buttons and volume buttons. Balance with other plug-ins for the readme.txt of the "boot order" for more information.
* The upper limit of the sensitivity of the analog stick 200 percent to 400 percent.
* Did not macro editor to work properly, only to correct the problem had been looked. Numeric entry dialog
* Fixed problem with not setting well with the lower digits are the maximum possible value of the highest digit.
* Buttons to toggle the engine state did not fix the issue also features a remote control to set the button.
* The macro recorder, do not fix it for the record start button is pressed the menu at the end.
* "MacroFire is not working perfectly." Is not displayed anymore.