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PicoDrive is a MegaDrive/Genesis emulator for UIQ ported by SomeOne from Daves original PicoDrive. It uses Cyclone 68000 as the CPU core. Its very much in an alpha state, but some games are playable.
Originally launched in 1988 in Japan the Sega Mega Drive was also know as the Genesis in North America. It was the sucessor to the Sega Master System and was part of the fourth generation of consoles. Its competition at the time was Nintendo's Super Nintendo System or SNES and the TurboGrafx-16. It ran for just over fourteen years and sold in excess of 29 Million units worldwide. Needless to say it has a huge fan base and following to this day.
I compiled the following library from several partial rom sets and am confident that at 2.9GB this is the most complete Sega Mega Drive Rom set available anywhere.