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Rcomage V1.1.0 1.1.0
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It's been a while since we last heard from homebrew coder ZiNgA BuRgA, but now he's back to release a new version of Rcomage, "a multi-purpose RCO creation/manipulation tool designed to allow RCOs to be modified in almost any way", similar to RCO Editor but with a nifty GUI, PS3 support and then some.
Developer's note:
Rcomage is a general RCO manipulation/creation tool, which I hope, will replace RCO Editor (and potentially rcotool in the future). It's a CLI (command-line interface) however I've provided a simple Windows GUI to save you from remembering commands (though you may need to trawl through an XML file).
It currently only has two main functions - "dump" (dumps contents of an RCO) and "compile" (compiles an RCO from a dump). For modifying an RCO, you would dump it, modify the dump, then compile it. A dump will consist of an XML file, which contains all the metadata of the RCO (basically, it's structure) as well as various resources, such as images, sounds etc.
* Minor message output changes
* Fixed bug where rcomage may have tried to convert non-GIM images through gimconv when dumping
* Fixed minor issue if Image/Sound/Text tree contained no subentries
* Removed option to select compression for PNG/JPG/TIF/GIF resources in GUI as it's mostly useless and may break the RCO if changed
* Add UMDFlag attribute to RcoFile tag
* Reduce the use of CDATA sections in the dumped text XML file
* Add basic VSMX decoder/encoder; add corresponding option when dumping/compiling in CLI and GUI, as well as vsmxdec and vsmxenc functions in the CLI
* Add experimental VSMX -> Java decompiler. This will most likely crash, but if you're lucky, it might go through and give half-readable output. Only use this if you're really interested; can only be accessed via the CLI using the --decompile option of vsmxdec
* Export some internal constants to .ini files
* Add support for UTF8 and UTF32 text in RCOs (found in PS3 RCOs); also fixed some potential character encoding issues
* Add support for Fontstyle entries (used in the sysconf PS3 RCO)
* Greatly improve handling PS3 RCO object structures (thanks goes to geohot for RCO samples)
* Add support for writing PS3 RCOs; also modify GimConv to add PS3 configuration option
For more info about the release, please check the README provided in the download.