This Version of Yewnes plus v 2.01 2.01 was added on 09-07-2015 in our apps store. It has been downloaded for free by 121 times by our valuable users. Download Latest Version of Yewnes plus v 2.01 2.01 for Free. is online mobile phone app stock so you come and enjoy unlimited free downloads. Other versions of Yewnes plus v 2.01 2.01 may also available in our Mobile App store you can search them from related software category.
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Yewnes Plus V 2.01 2.01
Screen Shots:
YewNes Plus Emulator V2.01 Cracked
New Features :
Support custom key map.
-Support .zip Nes Rom file.
-Auto-search all rom (.nes and .zip) files on all drivers.
-Better Sound.
-Much less app size and memory Usage.
Emulates most Nintedo 8-bits games, more than 1,000 games.
-Full screen mode.
-Save and load game state.(need register)
-Smaller application size
-Install rom files directly from inbox and Memory card.
-5 speed levels, from very fast to very slow.
-tow zoom modes, scaled mode and original size mode.
-Provides fake TV mode(scanline).
-Automatic shot, provide AA and BB Keys, you can release your fingers.
-Snap game screen, you can send your high scroll game screen to friends.
-key control styles match 3650, 7650/3660/6600 and N-Gage.
-Free to try, every can download any trial YewNes, and unregister version provides full features, only limited time.
Ramu Meerolla