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Aaangry Mouse 1.0
Screen Shots:
Meet Aaangry Mouse! He's the first interactive 3D dancing mouse on the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch! Come play with the lights, music, dance moves + more at the ANIMAL DISCO!
★ Create a unique dance mix for Aaangry Mouse
★ Select dances in the order and timing of your choice
★ Aaangry Mouse will perform the dance you create
★ Control the lights outside the dance club
★ Select awesome dance songs
★ Play with Aaangry Mouse to keep him dancing
★ Poke Aaangry Mouse and he will fall off beat
★ Give him special "Zombie Power" to perform the dance from "Thriller"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ “So much fun! I can’t wait to show this to my friends!”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ "If you like Talking Tom, you will love Aaangry Mouse!"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ "I am grown woman and this dancing mouse made me laugh like a little one! Go Aaangry Mouse!!!!"
Aaangry Mouse's Ultra Famous Dance Moves:
★ M. Jackson's "Thriller" Dance
★ Tiny Two-step
★ Club-Quake
★ Pudge Step
★ Dip'n'Dive
★ RoboMouse
★ Jelly Roll
★ Coffee Grinder
★ Mouse Strut
★ Pony Ride
★ Point Pop
★ Wallow Whomp
★ Heat Wave
★ Thunder Squat
★ Jelly Belly
★ Stocky Rock
★ Hefty Hustle
★ Chunky Shuffle
★ Plump Bump
★ Whirlwind
★ Sprinkler
Enough Talk! It's time to get down dancin' with Aaangry Mouse! Go make some moves of your own!
Bang Bang Games is the creator of unique family-friendly games and entertainment apps for iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch.
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