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Geek Booth 1.41
Screen Shots:
#1 Top Paid Entertainment App in Norway, Sweden and Denmark!
### Top Ten Paid Entertainment App in the UK! ###
Turn yourself into geek for a day with GeekBooth!
Thanks for all the Geek Support!
A brand new app from the makers of GingerBooth and Sketch Me!
Glasses, Braces and Acne is the only way to proclaim to the world that we are here to stay, and proud! GEEKPRIDE
"Although being described as a geek tends to be an insult, the term has recently become more complimentary, or even a badge of honor, within particular fields." Wikipedia
Geek Pride Manifesto-
It is our right to:
• not leave the house
• to be out of style, overweight or have poor eyesight
• to dislike sports
It is a our responsibility to:
• seek world domination
• befriend anyone who looks like a sci-fi character
• to attend opening nights or geeky movies in costume
How it works?
Simply snap a picture, or use one of your existing ones, and follow a few easy steps. Then you will be "Geeked" and ready to show your geek support to friends* through e-mail or Facebook.
*not always an option : )
- Amazing face detection will find and center faces in your photos
- Brace detection placement
- Control your appearance of acne through the slider
- Share through Facebook, TwitPic and E-mail!