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Leo Fuchs 2.5
Screen Shots:
Welcome to the Official Photography Portfolio App of master photographer LEO FUCHS.
"A perfect Coffee Table App"
Here you will find rare photographs taken during the Golden Age of Hollywood. This App is a wonderful companion to the LEO FUCHS: Special Photographer book published by powerHouse Books and available on
Leo Fuchs is a Hollywood veteran who shot some of the most moving and memorable images of 50s and 60s film icons ever made. Fuchs' introduction to moviemaking came as one of the world's leading "special photographers" on movie sets in Europe and North America. Starting as a freelance magazine photographer, he was one of the rare outsiders invited onto movie sets, where he often developed lifeālong relationships with the actors and filmmakers and captured candid shots both during shooting and after hours while socializing with the stars. With the support of his dear friend Cary Grant, Fuchs left photography behind in 1964 and spent the next 20 years as a motion picture producer. These intimate photographs from Hollywood's undisputed heyday remained unseen until they were recently uncovered after 30 years in storage.
Leo Fuchs was born in Vienna to a family of pastry chefs in 1929 and moved to New York with his family at the age of ten. He sold his first picture (of Eleanor Roosevelt) for five dollars when he was barely a teenager, then quit school at 14 to apprentice at Globe Photos in New York. He struck out on his own two years later, working in Broadway nightclubs and as a glamour photographer for newspapers and magazines.
This App is available for iPod, iPhone and iPad. Optimized for iOS6, retina display and iPhone 5. It allows you to share images via email, Twitter and Facebook, or save them to your camera roll. Share the artist bio via email. Select your favorites. View the images one by one, or enjoy a slideshow.
Enjoy this fantastic visual gallery, share the images with your friends, and learn about the artist life.