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Letter To Santa 1.0.1
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How often have you heard or asked "What would you like for Christmas?". Letter to Santa is the first Christmas app in the AppStore that will let your family forget about this question.
Yes, there are a lot of applications in the AppStore that let you write letters to Santa, some of them are actually pretty cool, but this one works in a totally different way and will be fun for your whole family!
You can hand the device to one member of your family at a time and let them tell Santa exactly what they want. Once they sign the letter, off goes an email directly to *the right* Santa. It is easy for them and easy for you!
All you need to do is:
* define family members who want to write to Santa
* set Santa's email address for each one of them.
Once you set up everything, your family will only see a single screen which allows them to write letters. We keep the configuration safe so no one will see it accidentally. If you ever need to change it, simply remove the application and install it again (for free).
Letter To Santa captures the innocents and magic of Christmas that can be used by anyone of any age from the little one to grandparents.
This amazing Christmas app will be fun for your whole family!
- No more "Publish my letter to Santa on Facebook and Twitter" variety.
- No more "What would you like to get for Christmas?" questions
- You define who receives letters from each of family members (or friends)
- Beautiful and easy to use interface
- This is the best solution for every tablet or smartphone equipped Santa!
PROMO Price! Get it now for half of normal price and enjoy it every Christmas!