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Letters To Santa Claus Kids Love It 1.2
Screen Shots:
Letters to Santa Claus is a wonderful app for children. Imagine the joy your child will have when they see the response from Santa.
The response takes about an hour for Santa to process.
- Send as many letters as you wish. One for each child if you want.
- Universal app works on iPhone and iPad.
- Allow child to "send cookies, bells, or mittens" along with their letter.
- Response comes the next time you start the app an hour after the letter is sent. This way suspicion is not raised by the fact that Santa replied instantly.
- High resolution version for iPad supporting multiple orientations.
Note 1: None of the responses promise your child that they will get what they put on their Christmas list.
Note 2: To hide keyboard when typing a letter simply tap on the screen somewhere not in the letter area.
Sample Letter :
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good boy this year. I have tried my very best not to pick on my little brother. I hope all is well at the North Pole. I will be attaching cookies to this letter for you. I would like the following for Christmas: a red fire truck, a new basketball, and a puppy.
Merry Christmas,
Dear Timmy,
I am glad to hear from you. Mrs. Claus just finished baking some fresh cranberry raisin cookies. We are planning to take the sled out for a test run later this evening. Remember to be on your best behavior and to always obey your parents.
P.S. The cookies were delicious.
Merry Christmas,
Santa Claus