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Little Red Riding Hood By Funnyclips 1.3
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Thanks to Funnyclips, rediscover the famous “Little Red Riding Hood” story through an interactive book in which your kid is the hero!
With this interactive story, you will be able to create an unforgettable experience for your children.
By inserting their photo into the story, your child will become the main character of the fairy tale.
They will be transported to an imaginary, magical, sometimes scary world, and love every minute of it.
The adventure of Little Red Riding Hood will become even more fascinating!
Download the adventures of Little Red Riding Hood now and share some thrilling moments with your young ones. The kids love it and ask for it over and over again!
Bring them to a magical world with this story!
You can personalize the 3 characters of the story:
Little Red Riding Hood
The Grand Mother
The Hunter
You can appear at your child’s side in the story or add grandparents, siblings, and friends. Let your imagination run wild!
To personalize your story:
1-Import your photos from your mobile phone or snap them directly from the app to then insert them into the story.
2-You are ready to watch your story!
3-As a bonus, you can share your story via e-mail or on Facebook and Twitter.
Create a real surprise!
La Créa Multimedia, creative production house and interactive design studio, launches the first customizable children’s fairy tale for tablets and smartphones!