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Most Beautiful Flowers In The World
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Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into”. We couldn’t agree more! Indeed God is an artist and flowers are perhaps one of his best creations! Flowers have a very short life but undoubtedly a very significant one. For ages, this wonderful gift of nature has been helping us express our emotions and feelings! Their beauty, fragrance and brilliant colors are enough to make a person smile.
Flowers are part of the most important occasions of life and have a language of their own. There are also flowers befitting specific occasions like birthdays, funerals, wedding, graduation ceremonies and so on. Some flowers have religious significance too.
Flowers’ meanings and symbolization were a key element many years ago. During Victorian era, special meanings were assigned to various flowers to send out coded messages and allowed individuals to express feelings which could not be spoken. This practice, called floriography, is still alive and thriving today. Every sentiment can be expressed in one form or the other by these fragile blooms.