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N Sms_ramu
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The N-SMS extends SMS handling application to the next level. Most of the interface remains the same as the normal message. The main enhanced functionalities for the applications are Fake SMS, Multi SMS, Encrypted SMS, and Auto Delete.
New message - now you can enhance your new message. Click on the N-SMS icon on your Symbian phone, the normal SMS screen is shown. When you click 'New message', there will be 4 different message types to choose:
* Standard SMS: to send standard SMS
Fake SMS: simulate a SMS to be sent to your phone at a certain date and time as a reminder. Note that this feature does not cost anything. Input the phone number that you would like the application shown when the SMS comes in. Once you have completed the message, click 'Options' and 'Save'. Then the application would ask you to schedule the sent date and time. By default these two fields, they will be current date and time.
Multi SMS: you can set a number of times to send SMS. (Cost comes according to number of SMS's you are sending out)
Encrypted SMS: this feature is to send and to receive a private SMS. All the SMS are encrypted to enhance the security of SMS. Input the recipient's phone number and type the message. Then specify when you would like to sent the SMS and the application asks you to input a password for the encryption. (The recipient is required to have N-SMS to decrypt the message as well)