This Version of Virtuality was added on 12-07-2015 in our apps store. It has been downloaded for free by 238 times by our valuable users. Download Latest Version of Virtuality for Free. is online mobile phone app stock so you come and enjoy unlimited free downloads. Other versions of Virtuality may also available in our Mobile App store you can search them from related software category.
Make sure that your mobile phone is compatible for this version of Virtuality, Before download Virtuality Mobile Phone App you should know about the screen resolution, hardware compatibility of your mobile phone device. If you feel this version is right option for your mobile device then go and download Virtuality for absolutely FREE. You can go to Entertainment category for large number of related free downloads. In case of any problem for downloading this version please contact us to solve this problem.
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Screen Shots:
This application is a collection of four virtual items that can be used for playing pranks or for personal amusement.
Items are Clippers, Lighter, Shaver and a Chainsaw.
Hair Clippers: Realistic clippers that can be used to trick someone into thinking that they are getting a haircut. Flip the switch On and tilt the phone to start cutting.
Lighter: You never know when someone might ask you for a light. Flick the lighter to open/close then flick the wheel to light it, you can also tilt the phone to move the flame.
Shaver: Similar to the hair clippers but for shaving your face/legs/back, anything that needs to be shaved without getting razor burn.
Chainsaw: Works great to scare someone or to protect yourself with its realistic sounds. Shake the phone to start/stop and tilt for the cutting sounds.
Note: Please use wisely, some people may not react well to getting their hair clipped, and we cannot be held liable for any black eyes or broken equipment. Have Fun !!!
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Update v1.1
Vibration may not stop on phone call