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Weekly Nature 2.7.489.2330
Screen Shots:
Are you looking for dozens of beautiful wallpapers for your lock screen? This app is for you!
Weekly Nature hub will help you escape from the boring daily routine, spicing up your home screen with a weekly tile. With a single tap you'll able to plunge yourself in the wonderfull world of nature. Each week a new image will guide you through marvellous Acremar's shots, just pin Weekly Nature to start and that's all.
* NEW: Now with more details about each shot!
Acremar is a dream came true of a couple of nature photographers, digging deep into the microcosm. Through the years, Acremar gained fame with their hi quality frames of nature.
Colorful, amazing and odd subjects now available on your Windows Phone 7 through a stunning panoramic experience.
Want to change your wallpaper weekly? Tap the one you like, save and set it as a wallpaper. All the pics fit your screen perfectly.
- fixed Flickr section
- improved Live Tile support
- updated to Tango
- few minor bug fixes
- added Fickr section
- improved app background