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10 Count Boxer 1.0.2
Screen Shots:
Never give up, Johnny!
"This is silly game! Masterpiece! It is wonderful!
I think that this game, everybody had better do it!"
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This game's all about the touch factor.
Just make sure Johnny gets back on his feet before the 10 count's up!
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With a 0-99 record, Johnny the gusty boxer refuses to lose.
But even he has one unbeatable "weapon".
And that's getting up off the floor. When he's hit, he'll get up. Hit again, he'll get up again.
Even after suffering 100 heavy blows, by some miracle he manages to get to his feet. Johnny may be a loser, but he won't stay down for nobody!
Enduring a frenzy of pummels day in and day out, Johnny dreams of the day he wins his first bout. What sort of hope does tomorrow hold?
For some reason, Tom the ref doesn't want Johnny to taste victory, and does whatever he can to keep it from happening.
"It don't matter how many blows I take, or how much I get knocked to the floor. If I keep gettin' up, that W's always within reach, baby."
- Johnny