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1112 Episode 01 Lite 2.0.1
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ALERT: our new game 'Shufflepuck Cantina' is now available!
1112 episode 01 LITE is the very beginning of the world first episodic adventure game exclusive to the iPhone and iPod touch.
Louis Everett is leading a quiet life and minding his own business as the most average middle class citizen. He lives with his beautiful but rather nosy wife in the peaceful Jalonsville New jersey.
Take a journey to explore this intriguing mystery and discover the reasons behind his constant headaches and strange dreams.
Meet a bunch of colorful characters, dive into bizarre situations until an unpredictable event occurs and turns everything upside down!
- Advanced graphical design and artistic direction
- 15 larger than life environments
- 8 characters
- Various puzzles
- An incredibly responsive Multi-Touch user interface
- Original score
- Elaborate interactive narrative
- Totally redesigned game engine
1112 episode 01 available!
1112 episode 02 available!
1112 episode 03 available!
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