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123 Kids Fun Puzzle Gold 2.2
Screen Shots:
Collection of 7 puzzle games with 84 pictures for your preschooler (ages 3 - 6)
Your child has 84 pictures in 7 categories to choose:
* Fish,
* Cuties,
* Vegetables,
* Worms,
* Fruits,
* Candies,
* Food
Each picture has 3 difficulty levels – 6, 9 or 12 piece puzzles to solve. On the help screen you will find all details about how to play.
- Interactive, carefully conceived, captivating puzzle games
- Designed for Kids: No confusing menus or navigation. Bright, colorful, child-friendly design
- Hundreds of rich graphics, vibrant sounds and beautiful captivating special effects
- App categories: Early learning, Counting, Numbers, Time, Colors, Shape, Matching, Letters, Games, Foreign Language, Creative Play, Music, Reading, Alphabet
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We share a passion for children, music, education, design, and play. Our goal is to create the highest quality games for toddlers and preschoolers, running on the smartphones and tablets. We are making games that are fun and smart, that are entertaining and educational. We are making games that let kids explore, games where there are no wrong moves, but where the right move will reveal, reward, and teach.
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