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2048 No Undo 2.0
Screen Shots:
Extremely addictive game 2048, which was originally developed by Gabriele Cirulli in now in Android with online leaderboard. You can login with Google+ to submit your score and compete other 2048 fans all around the world. You can also play in offline mode, in that case your score is not submitted to online scoreboard.
The rules of this puzzle game are simple: just swipe cells to match them together. Sum the same numbers and your score will increase as fast as more you will merge. Can you reach the 2048th cell? It’s not an easy task! Enjoy and win!
We offer much more than others:
+ variety of game modes: 2048, 4096, 8192 and endless
+ saving the result: you can continue playing next level with saved game field of the previous one
+ night mode
+ Google rating
+ extended settings
+ statistics
+ the ability to create accounts on one device
+ autosave
+ optimization for tablets
+ sound effects
+ unique design
+ pleasant surprise for tablets: you can play by touching the screen anywhere
Our team is very grateful to people, who worked so hard on the translation of our game! Thank you so much: Alexander Voitekhovich (German), Catherine Sidorenya (Spanish), Svetlana Bulycheva (Italian), Lee Hyun (Korean), Catherine Sylyuk (Chinese)!
Sincere thanks to all our beloved customers for their support and understanding!
And also thanks to Gabriel Chirulli, without whom our game would not have been created.
Hope you enjoy it!!!