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80s Tv Trivia 3.3
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The 80’s introduced some of the best sit-coms and television series in television history. Come experience your favorite TV again!!!
The Facts of Life in the 80's was pretty simple and Hollywood produced the best characters to satisfy our cravings. Aliens from Melmac lived in the suburbs; group of friends Cheers each other on at the local drinking spot and Alex P. Keaton was the exemplification of the political mindset that replaced Baby Boomer idealism. Smurfs wandered around a forest pursued by a miserly old magician, and G.I. Joe provided after-school advice. It was a great time to be alive!
The TV shows of the 80's were instantly classics. How could you go wrong with a Dodge Charger called the "General Lee" driven around by a couple of good ole boys? Or a talking Firebird driven around by a man only known as "The Hoff"?