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A Cranky Buff 1.0
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Cranky Buff (Smiley) is one of the best addictive fun games. You need to help Cranky Smiley to gently float and get to his SWEET HEART (SWEETY). Be careful not to hit the walls or obstacles on the way. Smiley is very sensitive and will become Cranky on every hit. A little tilt will make it move. Roll the smiley to meet SWEETY within the permissible hits of the chosen level.
This game needs delicacy, patience, and concentration and it is a lot of fun.
The game is exclusively designed for iPhone and iPod touch. The game playing is very exciting; one needs to be really cautious and plan the moves and tilts carefully. This is a really fun game for leisure time.
The game is full of exciting features including:
- Funny animations of Smiley.
- Pause and replay.
- Exciting sound effects and background music.
- Automatically saves on exit or phone call.
Recommended for fans of board maze and puzzle games. Little conscious efforts will bring in good results. For help and suggestion contact us at
Get game full version:
Get full version of game via Apple “In App Purchase”. Game full version includes all 10 level of game play and is offered on Price (.99 USD or equivalent).