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Adventures Of Poco Eco Lost Sounds Experience Music And Animation Art In An Indie Game 1.2.7
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It’s Children’s Day, so it’s time to stop hesitating and let your inner child have fun! Now you can help Poco Eco in his quest for only $1.49! Be quick, it lasts only until Sunday!
A relaxing, exploratory audio-visual experience for all ages!
Get a full-length 7 track LP with your purchase!
Discover a new world where there’s a lot to see and even more to hear. Help Poco Eco, the curious explorer complete his mission. Your goal is to help Poco and his tribe find their Sounds that they’ve lost by solving the mini puzzles and completing all twelve 3D animated levels. By downloading the game you also get free access to Iamyank’s new LP.
The game world is built around a mixture of electronic music and design, placing you into its unique atmosphere. It was designed and developed by POSSIBLE Games & it features Iamyank’s newest LP - the Lost Sounds.
Iamyank is a highly acclaimed multi-talented artist: designer, musician, producer and composer from Hungary, notorious for filling venues he’s playing at the capital’s nightlife. He describes his music genre as dreamy electronic - influenced by all kind of soulful music.His newest album, the Lost Sounds is already available on Bandcamp.
POSSIBLE Games creates quality mobile games that entertain and challenge gamers of all levels. Adventures of Poco Eco was designed by visual artists with years of experience in 3D, street art, fashion, typography and of course mobile game design.
Download the app and help Poco in his mission!
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