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Afto Assault For The Oil 1.2
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Do you know AFTO? The AFTO is the strategic head-to-head game of the 21st century, like the chess was in the Middle Ages. The goal: destroy the enemy's HQ.
Have you ever thought of how the Tower Defense Games could become more exciting? These games used to emphasize only the passive defense mode, to build only towers, but we all know offense is the best form of defense. So we created the world of AFTO in a way to give unlimited opportunities of defense, thus you can set up your own strategies with the proper balance of defensive and offensive manoeuvres.
About the story
After the nuclear world war the last source of power on the desertid planet Earth is mineral oil. Rusty forces of survivors fight against each other for the black gold, because the possesion of oil is a matter of life and death. So there is no reprieve, and the battle will last until only one survives.
About the game
AFTO gives the exciting Tower Defense another twist. You have not only to build towers to protect your Headquarters, but also send your deadly forces directly against your opponent in this massive multiplayer game. Use your evil machines and towers to raise your income to the sky, to protect your HQ and to raze your enemy’s HQ to the ground.
And if you feel lost...
Set up your own strategies to prevent your opponent, that he can go his own way. The possibilities are nearly endless. Think and fight your way until your glory will come!
- massively Tower Defense Game for iPad,
- local Multi and Single Player (A.I. with 3 levels)
- Tutorial,
- Tips and Tricks,
- 6 defense towers,
- 18 offensive units,
- 2 deadly super weapons,
- counter attacks on the field and in the air,
- 5 available maps in desert environment,
- adjustable settings to vary maps,
- FREE updates of new maps, towers and units.