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Air Hockey Dudes 1.4
Screen Shots:
Air Hockey Dude’s is explosive!
With cool graphics and sound effects, you don’t have to be embarrassed to play your favorite from the old arcade. Thrash one of your friends or test your skills against the iPhone player. As your skills improve, you can increase the difficulty level.
Note: This is an air hockey game, made for guys ... Ladies may want to get the Diva’s version. Did you wash your hands? --- oooh yuck, that is my phone you are touching.
Out smart your opponent with off the wall bank shots and flick shots for greater speed.
Record your own "GOAL!!!" sound or something rude to keep you friends on the defensive.
- Two player or single player mode
- Electric Guitar, Sports Car, or Bikini Babe background options
- Three levels of difficulty
- Customizable game time setting
- Self recorded Goal sound and sounds off options
- Keeps a history of your matches vs. other players
Recommended for use during church or at boring long weddings. Remember to use silent mode during meetings. Legal in all countries, wood shop goggles optional, don’t even flinch if you push so hard your finger goes through the device.
"Finally I can play Air Hockey with the guys at the steel mill and they don’t tease me." – Bubba
Also check out Full Tilt a fun and challenging game.
Keywords: Air Hockey, Hockey, Sports, Bikini, Cars, Ninja, Hammer, Motorcycle, Gear, Puck, Paris, Baseball (what the), Basketball