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Airattack Hd Lite 1.8.1
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Air Attack HD - is Award Winning next-generation top down air combat shooter with stunning 3D graphics alongside great audio, effects and awesome gameplay.
Over 1 000 000 Downloads on iPhone / iPad
Unity Awards 2010 - Grand Prix
Features in Lite version:
* 3 Great Missions
* 24 Different Enemy Types
* 3 Unique Planes
* Numerous Upgrades and Special Weapons
* Amazing Lighting and Special Effects
* Orchestral Music
* 3 Difficulty Modes
* Arcade and Survival Mode
* Realtime Physics
* Destructible Bridges and Buildings
* WW2 Shmup with Amazing 3D environments enhanced with LightMaps and SpecularMaps
* 3 Huge End Level Bosses
* 7 Control Types: Touch, Relative, Tilt, Joypad, Mouse, Keyboard, Gamepad
* MOGA, NVIDIA Shield, XBox360, PS3, HID controllers support
* App2SD support
* NVIDIA Tegra based devices support - THD
* Portrait/Landscape orientation
* Xperia PLAY optimized
If you like games like 1942, 1943, Siberian Strike, iFighter, Air Strike, Flying Shark, DoDonPachi, Espgaluda, Swiv, Sky Force, Warblade, this game is for you.
AirAttack HD is now MOGA Enhanced! Available at major retailers, carrier stores and online at
If you got any problems with AirAttack HD please send us an e-mail, we will do our best to help you.