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Ancient Frog Hd 1.50
Screen Shots:
The beautiful High Definition remake of Ancient Frog, for the iPad.
Over 100 levels of twisty stretchy amphibian mind teasers.
Here's what people said about Ancient Frog on the iPhone:
"a game that is so playable, so beautiful, and so stunningly out of left field that even jaded critics like us can't help but rave about it." --
"one of the App Store’s true hidden gems. Ancient Frog is so unique, so gorgeously rendered, that I just have to commend the developer. It’s the kind of game where you’ll find yourself returning again…and again…and again…" --
"This game isn’t just unusual to play, it’s also gorgeous to look at. Like all the best software, Ancient Frog benefits from attention to detail" --
Ancient Frog is a wholly original puzzle game. The aim is to move your frog from one end of the screen to the other, to eat a delicious fly. You can only move one leg at a time, and only one foot can rest on a particular spot at a time.
There's no time limit. You can take your time considering your next move and watching the gentle interplay of light and shadow.
There's no move limit. However circuitous a route you take, eating the fly unlocks the puzzle. You can return to any puzzle at any time for another go, if you want to beat your own score.
You can skip any puzzle at any time from the daisy menu. If you're having trouble with a level, just move on to the next one, and come back to it later.
Each puzzle has a par, representing the shortest number of moves required to complete the puzzle. Achieving that perfect solution will sometimes require fiendishly twisted thinking!