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Angel Basketball Free 2.0.2
Screen Shots:
This is the Free version of Angel Basketball 3D. The basic shooting stage (with 3 shooting positions) is available for playing. Separate leaderboards and achievements are available for this version. However, the fun mini stages (Angel Room) and "Vs CPU" mode are not available in this version.
Side note: if you notice a slight lag in AB3D after signing into gamecenter for the first time, simply restart your game, the lag will be gone. *Remember, fully restarting an app means to kill it in the "task manager" (double press the Home button) first and then start the app again.
Angel Basketball is a stylish 3D basketball shooting game for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. In a nutshell, Angel Basketball is an arcade basketball hoop with elegant 3D environment, real physics, 3D sound effects, variety of stages/modes, competitive scoring schemes, and more. Read on ...
Notable features and description:
- Ultra responsive, simple, and realistic finger motion control.
- 8 Shooting positions.
- Vs CPU mode with 3 level of difficulties.
- 1 Main court stage and 4 mini fun stages.
- Leaderboards and Achievements all set up.
- Player controls the ball throwing with a 2-stages finger motion (pull back and flick upward). Pulling back adjusts the angel of the shot. Flicking upward control the power and the direction (left or right) of the shot.
- This kind of finger motion also allows the player to get a nice tempo going where he/she can comfortably shoot 3 to 4 balls per second.
- Gorgeous environment. See the screenshots!
- Realistic 3D Physics. Really, things don't get any more real than this.
- High quality and realistic 3D sound effects. Enjoy the bounces!
- 4 fun stages in the "Angel Room". Stage 1 has a short distance rim (free-throw range). Stage 2 has a longer distance rim (3pt range). Stage 3 has a rim that dynamically allocates itself in the scene. Stage 4 has a rim that moves left and right.
- Competitive scoring metrics. For the "Angel Room" mode, each Clean Shot gets you double points and plus 7 second on the time clock. Score a N-In-a-Row to get N times the base points. The main court stage has a similar scheme.
From many user feedbacks, we found that most players make consistent shots by doing a swipe motion (upward) after the initial pull back. There are also some players who are good with just "pushing" (as opposed to swiping) the ball upward. So, we encourage you to try different hand/finger positioning to find out what you are most comfortable with.
Lastly, enjoy the game!