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Animal Dent Doctor 8.5.1
Screen Shots:
Do you want to be Professional Dentist? Then grab your tools and visit our "Animal Dent Doctor" newly game developed by GameiMax solely focused on dental treatment. Game includes a cute animal characters, you have to treat them as real doctor and give proper treatment using different tools given in game.
The kids will also learn medical care and explore their knowledge in different surgeries. . The Animal Dent Doctor had three innovative concepts of "Teeth Surgery", "Tongue Surgery" and "Inner View of Tongue". Games develop by GameiMax are not only for entertainment but its mixed concept of entertainment with educationkids will surely enjoy this fun & addictive games.
Teeth surgery
==> Remove green teeth
==> Tissue(For nossy)
==> Brush
==> Drill(Remove black part)
==> Put braces
Tongue surgery
==> Remove Forks,kill germs
==> Water sprayer
==> Water dryer
==> Spray(heal injury)
==> Funny bandiads
==> Injection
==> Shock Treatment
==> Bug killer
==> Pimple remover
==> Thermometer
==> Plaster(Color it)
==> Mouth freshener
Inner view(Using Joystick)
==> Pimple Remover
==> Dirt Remover
==> Cream,Pimple remover
Last view is very amazing it contains color bottles
==> Color your tongue
==> Feed it different Food
Download this game and become doctor today..!!!