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Aquaspeed 1.0
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Engage engine and get set for a bumpy ride as you hit the waters! With powerboat racing time is key; focus to achieve the best time on the global leaderboard.
Compete on the 'Choppy' level with your fastest time to try and win a Rotary Aquaspeed watch. Each month, 1 lucky winner will be selected from the top 100 fastest times so be quick to win!
Competition starts Aug 1st 2010 - Prize Draw at the end of the month.
T&C apply.
Aquaspeed Racing: a brand new and unique App taking you to the heart of the action!
- motion driven controls to steer L and R
- swipe throttles up and down control your speed
- damage indicators for over revving
With 3 levels of difficulty
- Calm: Practice time
- Breezy: Getting tricky
- Choppy: Compete to win the innovative 'Build Your Own Watch' workshop to design your very own Rotary Aquaspeed watches!
- Live time and date windows
- Customise Dials, Bezels, Straps & Bracelets