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Atom Run 1.0.2
Screen Shots:
"In 2264, an unprecedented disaster put an end to all living things. Only the robots survived - but when exposed to radiation, they become uncontrollable! With one exception..."
You control Elgo, a sophisticated robot prototype with simple, intuitive commands. Your mission is to find all the atoms and molecules that are critical to creating new life. Act fast, because your time is short!
Features & Highlights of this Game:
- Action-adventure fast paced platformer game
- Experience worthy of a game console fully optimized for iOS
- Optimized for retina display
- 2D game engine, 3D graphics
- Precise and intuitive commands
- Original music electronic music
- Supports iOS joysticks (Game Controller MFI)
- Game Center
- Complete Game! Free of ads and does not feature additional purchases
- We do not collect any personal information.
- Atom Run is available in: English, French, Italian, Chinese, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean and Russian.
System Requirements:
Atom Run requires iPad 2, iPhone 4S or iPod Touch (5th generation) or higher - or a newer device.
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FingerLab is an independent app development & publishing studio. In 2012, it won the Apple Design Award for its app “DM1-The Drum Machine.” Besides, it has even been featured in the iTunes App Store in several categories including Best of 2013 (Musyc), App of the Week (Rockmate, Albert & Multiponk), Hall of Fame (Multiponk, DM1).
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