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B Ball Fire 1.0.6
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Burn up your iPhone with B-Ball Fire!!(Patent Pending)
For those of us who just love the game and the court, B-Ball Fire is a fantastic transformation of the court onto the iPhone platform. With three levels of difficulty and two optional shooting modes, there's something for everyone in this amazing variation of basketball for a portable, sensor-equipped handheld device. Challenge yourself and your friends against time to get the highest score possible.
Unlike traditional B-Ball, another well-known App developed by STRC in Ingrasys, B-Ball fire allows you to test your skill in FIRE mode. Fire mode occurs when you accurately make a sequence of shots, as in B-Ball, but you obtain an unlimited number of balls to shoot at the basket as fast as possible. With the combination of various bonus modes and timing, the user can use this hot super-power to rack up points unlike any basketball game on earth. Speed, accuracy, and brains will separate the best from the casual player.
Feel the excitement and pressure when the heat is turned on!! ENJOY!!!
Note to Users:
1. If your device is running the proper iOS version (6.0 or later), occasionally the B-Ball Fire App may close upon loading. In this case, please try rebooting your device to reset the memory cache. In other instances a white or black and white screen may show when the program starts. Simply opening the game menu, exiting Play mode, and then returning should take care of this issue.