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Bible Trivia Extreme Free 2.0.2
Screen Shots:
+++ Bible Trivia Extreme Free Edition
This app is the FREE version of the very popular 'Bible Trivia Extreme' version which is a Christian based Bible Trivia game. The free version has a very reduced set of questions as well as functionality but allows the user to try out the game and try out their Bible Trivia skills. The FULL version has hundreds more questions and more features.
To upgrade to the full version 'Bible Trivia Extreme',
go to the App Store and purchase 'Bible Trivia Extreme' to get the full version with many more questions and other options.
Free Version:
- 3 Strikes per game
- 150 Questions
- randomly placed answers on buttons every time
- questions are rotated through until exhausted, then repeats
If you find errors in the questions/answers or anything else that may seem inaccurate I welcome you to send me an email so I have the chance to fix rather than writing a review telling the world how horrible the app is to undermine it. After all, the app's primary purpose is to Glorify the Lord, not to slamb other christians and their honest efforts. Thank you.
--------- for questions, comments or bug reports.