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Bird Dash Lite 1.0
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In a toxic wasteland filled with venomous cacti and blood-thirsty humming birds, there is one bird that must dodge them all. “Is it a swallow?” you might ask, giggling to yourself. First of all, that’s fowl. Sparrow us of your childish language as it’s robin us of our innocence. The more you carrion, the more I want to hawk all of my belongings and drive macaw up there to do something ill-eagle.
…Seriously though, this game has an ostrich.
Bird Dash is a fast action game featuring a nimblest of ostriches who must jump and duck to avoid the numerous deadly obstacles. The longer you run the faster he goes and the more points you get! With built in game center support you can climb your way up the scoreboard in the vast competitive world of bird dashing and show off the achievements you acquire during your dashing adventures.
Learn the game in seconds but spend a lifetime mastering the art of the dodge. Let the beat of the birdacious techno soundtrack focus and hone your dodging skills. When you get a high score that you want to show off use the built in facebook or twitter support to post your scores online for your friends to see.
“I bird, therefore I dash.”
- Rene Descartes
“Ash Wednesday? More like DASH Wednesday!”
- God
“Bird Dash is the bomb!”
- Benjamin Franklin
“It doesn’t take an Einstein to figure out how to play.”
- Albert Einstein
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