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Birds Shoot And Pop 1.0.2
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Since "Angry Birds" entered our lives, there isn't a person on this planet who hasn't discover his secret love to cute funny birds… we are no different! :)
Presenting old and new Bubble Shooter puzzle lovers the cutest bubble shooting game for android only phones and tablets – Bird Since "Angry Birds" entered our lives, there isn't a person on this planet who hasn't discover his secret love to cute funny birds… we are no different! :)
Presenting old and new Bubble Shooter puzzle lovers the cutest shoot and pop game for android only phones and tablets – Bird Shoot and Pop (now in High Definition as well).
Become Kenny, the forest's most trusted bird leader and join operation "Birds Vs Claws" attack to protect all forest's bird nests against MadCat's attack.
Bird Shoot and Pop rules are simple:
After already recruiting the finest cutest forest bird warriors, use the disguised bird nest Cannon to confuse MadCat by accurately aiming, shooting and grouping 3 or more fellow birds which will cause them to pop and disorient MadCat and scare him off the forest.
We can only wish you good luck as the challenge increases from level to level!
Bird Shoot and Pop Features:
• Brand new custom made Bird theme HD graphics
• Advanced feature for choosing of the next color bird to shoot.
• More than 1900 challenging levels and a special Arcade mode
• Revolutionary flawless game engine
• International competition to be on top of bird bubble shooter's global leaderboard
• Collect achievements
• Ability to Resume game from last point you left it always.
• Simple share button to invite your friends to play
Make your iPhone friends jealous as this game can only be played on any type of an android device.
If you liked Bird Shoot and Pop, don't forget to click the in-game share button to let your friends know they can get it for free as well!
Every single reviews and feedbacks is being read are greatly appreciated! :)
Enjoy!Bubble Shooter HD (now in High Definition as well).
Become Kenny, the forest's most trusted bird leader and join operation "Birds Vs Claws" attack to protect all forest's bird nests against MadCat's attack.
Bird Bubble Shooter rules are simple:
After already recruiting the finest cutest forest bird warriors, use the disguised bird nest Cannon to confuse MadCat by accurately aiming, shooting and grouping 3 or more fellow bubble birds which will cause them to pop and disorient MadCat and scare him off the forest.
We can only wish you good luck as the challenge increases from level to level!
Bird Bubble Shooter HD Features:
• Brand new custom made Bird theme HD graphics
• Advanced feature for choosing of the next bird bubble to shoot.
• More than 1900 challenging levels and a special Arcade mode
• Revolutionary flawless game engine
• International competition to be on top of bird bubble shooter's global leader-board
• Collect achievements
• Ability to Resume game from last point you left it always.
• Simple share button to invite your friends to play
Make your iPhone friends jealous as this game can only be played on any type of an android device.
If you liked bird Bubble Shooter HD, don't forget to click the in-game share button to let your friends know they can get it for free as well!
Every single reviews and feedback's is being read are greatly appreciated