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Blind Fury
As ancient story tells that in the Huge Explosion day in distant year 2010
a thousands suns appeared in the sky burning everything in their shine. In
a blink of an eye the former Masters of the planet has been fallen, turned
into the dust and gone with the wind. An era of new Masters has began.
Blind Fury is the son of Cherokee, Chief of the Red Sedans. In his early
childhood for unexampled valor kid was nicknamed Blind Fury. It
unexpectedly turns out that black manna supplies are running low and the
existence of the tribe per se is doubtful. It's no wonder then Blind Fury
volunteered to find the legendary land bound in snow and ice, where polar
bears wander the streets of cities, and inhabitants swim in ice-holes and
drink essence of black manna: as legend has it, there your tribe will have
need for nothing till the end of the world. But the way to the mysterious
land lies through deserts and glaciers, and who knows what dangers lie
ahead of a solitary four-wheeled traveler.
fun and exciting cartoon adventure game
original storyline
the main character can turn to unstoppable Monster
two full scale game worlds: a burning savannah and an ice desert
most enemies are harmful, but again they could be useful sometimes
tons of bonuses and dynamical gameplay won't let you to quit playing
Nokia 2610
Nokia 3220
Nokia 5140
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Nokia 6021
Nokia 6030
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Nokia 7260