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Boilampbubble 1.0
Screen Shots:
Please review the Device Requirements before purchasing!
Boil&Bubble is an immersive 3D game that has been created as a tribute to Halloween. It is a defensive game, meant to play on memory retention, audio and visual alertness, and dexterous response.
The player is engaged as a young witch set to the task of protecting her home from a host of entities that typically venture forth this time of year.
At her disposal is the means to fend off these forces through the use of a spell-book and an assortment of ingredients adorning the shelves of her alcove.
The twelve waves present themselves with increasing chaos and intensity until the dawn of the thirteenth hour. All you have to do is survive until then.
So, pay attention to the sights, the sounds and the spells before you, and portion out the ingredients in the order that the spell demands. It is only by doing so that the young witch will make it through another haunting year.
Happy Halloween.
Device Requirements:
Compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), and iPad. Requires iOS 3.2 or later